The future of natural stone

STONECITI is the first technological hub that integrates all the skills required for the development of the industrial sector associated with the manufacture and transformation of materials and products that use natural stone.

For the natural stone valorization

StoneCITI aims to accelerate the proximity between industry and new technologies, in order to radically increase the efficiency and sustainability (economic and environmental) of the sector, and thus ensure innovation and change.

We make the difference

A centralização dos 3 vetores no Stone Citi, pessoas, tecnologia e pessoas permite a partilha do conhecimento entre as várias entidades.

Through the use of digital processes and new technologies, as well as highly qualified human resources, knowledge is created and shared, for a collaborative valorization throughout the whole natural stone innovation cycle.

What do we have planned for the future?

The development of a distinctive and unique ecosystem capable of empowering the natural stone industry in Portugal is our long-term mission, which we will achieve through the promotion of these three areas:

Innovation: Development of programs that encourage technological experimentation.

Training: Training new professionals within partner entities and empower companies' employees.

Business: Provide conditions for the development of companies and start-ups.

Vamos mudar o mundo da pedra natural?